Did you know nonsurgical facial procedures were up 2% in 2019? The top 5 nonsurgical facial procedures accounted for over 5.5 million treatments in 2020 and the demand is only rising.
Usually the top two reasons patients shy away from getting a surgical facelift procedure are: downtime and they aren’t ready to have a surgical procedure. What if you could give your patient a non-invasive way to achieve their aesthetic goals?
Learn how Lumenis has once again developed a new category in aesthetic treatments and you can be one of the first to take advantage of it. Read how triLift™ by Lumenis gives your patients an effect similar to a face lift they’ve been longing to achieve.
Introducing triLift: achieving an effect similar to a face lift Lumenis is once again the first to bring the aesthetic industry a new category. By utilizing Dynamic Muscle Stimulation (DMSt™), triLift™ is able to give an effect similar to a face lift to your patients, with a non-surgical process.

Is There Really Such A Thing As A Non-Surgical Facelift Machine?
The short answer is yes. With four to six triLift treatments, your patients will be able to achieve a an effect similar to a face lift and see results after just one treatment!
triLift is patent pending and is the first treatment in the market to use Dynamic Muscle Stimulation (DMSt) in sequence with two other modalities to tone healthy muscles, reduce facial wrinkles, smooth, and resurface the skin, achieving an effect similar to a face lift.
How Does Noninvasive Energy Based Treatment For The Face Work?
Unlike surgery, noninvasive energy based treatment for the face has minimal to no downtime and does not requires anyanesthesia or special preperation, while still achieving an effect similar to a facelift
triLift targets 3 aging elements simultaneously: structure, contour, and texture. It utilizes complementary technologies and energy sources to stimulate the natural rejuvenation process in each element:
- It stimulates and activates the facial muscles with Dynamic Muscle Stimulation (DMSt) to achieve a well-defined, toned, and lifted look.
- It thickens and strengthens the dermal layer to treat the facial wrinkles with third generation TriPollar® RF by regenerating collagen and elastin.[i]
- It increases the natural volume and tightens and smoothens the skin texture with triFX RF microneedling skin resurfacing.
1 Haim Kaplan, Andrea Gat, Clinical and histopathological results following TriPollar™ radiofrequency skin treatments Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy
2009; 11: 78–84 DOI: 10.1080/14764170902846227
Let’s Explore Dynamic Muscle Stimulation (DMSt) In More Detail
Unlike traditional electrical muscle stimulation and magnetic muscle stimulation, DMSt technology incorporates motion for healthy muscle stimulation to cover from small to large treatment area.
Read below to learn more about DMSt and how it works.
How Does Dynamic Muscle Stimulation Work?
DMSt works by stimulating healthy muscles by electrical stimulation that is generated by an external source. This stimulation causes the muscles to expand and contract, very similarly to the way they are used to generate facial expressions naturally.
The extraordinary, rejuvenated effect similar to a face lift of the triLift treatment makes it a vital step towards satisfied patients, offering them an immediately visible result that is further enhanced over time with every additional session.
How Easy Is It To Use triLift?
triLift platform is easy to use and a treatment can be done over a lunch break. This means your practice can be performing triLifts treatments on patients without taking extra time to numb or have special preparations of your patients.
It tones the muscles for a lifted and rejuvenated look, resurfaces the skin for a smoothened texture, and plumps the underlying cell structure by regenerating collagen and elastin. The result is an immediately visible effect similar to a face lift that is safe, pleasant, and quick, and improves over time with every additional treatment session.
DMSt vs. traditional muscle stimulation technologies: What’s The Difference?
triLift is the first platform to use Dynamic Muscle Stimulation, DMSt is electrical muscle stimulation that gives you the power to provide a treatment results effect similar to a face lift. Traditional muscle stimulation technologies available in the market stimulate muscles via electro-magnetic fields or electrical current that create stimulation to contract muscles. DMSt technology incorporates motion for healthy muscle stimulation to cover from small to large treatment area.
The technology works by stimulating healthy muscles on the face and body with electrical stimulation that is generated by an external source. This stimulation causes the muscles to contract and retract, very similarly to the way they are used to generate facial expressions naturally.
The use of three different applicators, each with several electrodes, and differ in size, allows for a more fine-tuned treatment, from large, to medium to very small areas, with the ability to focus on specific targeted areas that you wish to target.
Is There Any Downtime When Using DMSt For An Effect similar to a face lift?
One of the best parts about triLift treatments is that your patients don’t have to face downtime – they’re able to keep up with their daily lives while looking their best.
triLift activates muscles to obtain a well-defined, toned, and lifted look in 20-30 minute treatment. When it comes to addressing muscle tone loss in the face and body, your patients have unique needs.
With triLift, which features Dynamic Muscle Stimulation and two types of radio frequency energy, you have a one-stop-shop platform where you can tailor the results based on each individual’s needs.

Are Laser Facelifts Effective?
Lumenis has created a new category in facial aesthetics with triLift and is on the cutting edge of muscle stimulation technology for aesthetics.
triLift treatment protocol features sequential treatment of healthy muscle toning and skin rejuvenation and offers a holistic approach of treating the skin from within.
DMSt muscle stimulation, leading to lifting and toning of the muscles, after volumetric heating of the skin with TriPollar® RF, and followed by triFX RF microneedling skin resurfacing leads to collagen remodeling reduction in facial wrinkles, and skin tightening with the increase of natural dermal volume
triLift Benefits
- 80% Smoothing*
- 30% wrinkle reduction*
- 3x production of hyaluronic acid**
- Well defined, toned and lifted look
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