As people transform from young adult to middle aged, they may see some natural signs of aging on their face – fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. However, there are ways to reduce age spots on the face and the rest of the body by following these steps.

Not all time in the sun is fun – it has it’s list of repercussions if you aren’t careful with your skin. A major consequence of overexposing your skin to the sun can be age spots on your face. Read more to learn about how to reduce age spots on face by following five easy rules. But first, let’s talk about what age spots are.
What causes age spots?
When your skin is exposed to the sun or a tanning bed for too long or too often, the melanin production in your skin accelerates in a certain area, causing a dark spot – also known as hyperpigmentation or an age spot because it’s most prevalent in people over 40.
As people transform from young adults to middle-aged, they may see some natural signs of aging on their face – fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. However, there are ways to reduce age spots on the face and the rest of the body by following these steps.
Avoid the sun at its hottest
The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light is at its highest between 10 A.M. and 3 P.M. To avoid sun damage that leads to age spots, keep your skin out of direct sunlight during these hours by staying indoors or in the shade. If you need to be outside, wear a sunhat or a light shirt and pants.
Wear sunscreen
The “burn before you tan” method can do some real damage to your skin in the long term. While SPF 50 isn’t needed for darker skin tones, wear appropriate sunscreen coverage for your skin type at all times.
Avoid the tanning bed
Whether you’ve been going to the tanning bed for years or you’re considering getting a “base tan” for an upcoming vacation, frequenting tanning beds can actually cause age spots as well.
Mayo Clinic states, “Ultraviolet (UV) radiation damages your skin, whether the radiation comes from tanning beds or natural sunlight.”
They suggest a sunless bronzer if you’re seeking color on your skin to prevent age spots and even melanoma.
Don’t forget your SPF lip balm!
Even your lips can suffer from sun damage. Keep your lips moisturized by using lip balm with SPF protection every couple of hours just like you would apply sunscreen or moisturizer to your face and body.
What if I have age spots already?
It’s never too late to protect your face from further sun damage. By implementing the tips above, you can start your skin protection journey.
For existing age spots, consider trying a minimally invasive sequential laser treatment like SmoothGlo™ by Lumenis. This treatment sequentially uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology along with RF microneedling to address the three biggest signs of aging – tone*, texture, and volume.
The best part? No downtime! This treatment takes less than 30 minutes and allows you to continue with the rest of your daily activities immediately after.
* Skin tone improvement through treatment of pigmented lesions
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